We offer Flexibility:
We offer memberships with flexible scheduling to accommodate a range of needs and stages of your business. You retain choice in key aspects of your practice including pricing, style of work, and managing intake and outake. Membership offers the flexibility to take time off for travel, childbirth, caregiving and other needs without having to cover rent. We also offer member work/trade arrangements and whenever possible, profit sharing!*
We support Ease:
We provide all the basics to begin or sustain your private massage practice including a welcoming space to see your clients, hydraulic lift tables and hot towel cabbies, a range of bolsters, blankets and pillows, an optional sheet service, and a scheduling system and profile on our website. In alignment with our mission, we offer support for sliding scale services, pro-bono work, and colleague trades. Lean into a warm, skilled network of peers grounded by our member agreements and regular meetings where we connect and navigate our shared space.
We ground in Stability:
Our building at 906 Broad Street is private and locked during business hours. We’ve been in business since 2016 and have weathered some big transitions including the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Our shared practices and values support us in evolving through big changes and provide our members a steady place to grow their businesses. Because of our longevity and the excellence of our members, we have a reputation within the community that often brings in new clients. We are predominantly white, queer-led, and explicitly anti-racist and LGBTQIA+ affirming.
*We instituted profit sharing in our first year of abundance (2022), which included sharing back to our members, and contributions to local Queer, Black, and People of Color led organizations Opal Collective, Radical Healing’s Black Mental Health Fund, and Aya Birth and Wellness.
“Durham Community Bodywork has been a loving home for me. It provided fertile ground for my growth as a business and as a human. I received my bodywork license in 2020, the month before Covid hit. I took some time to let things settle and allow the science to inform how we could safely practice bodywork again. When I was ready to open my business, I did so as a member of DCBW. In response to Covid, the organization revised its practices to allow for greater flexibility for members. This meant it was financially manageable for me to grow my business in the face of great uncertainty. DCBW's membership structure also allowed me to take 3 months off work to have a child, without being accountable for a lease or other overhead expenses. DCBW had fostered a solid network of other members who could support regular clients in my absence. More recently, my family and I decided to take a sabbatical in another country, and DCBW's structure allowed that with ease. The past several years have felt wildly unpredictable, and I feel fortunate that DCBW has provided a stable home for me and my business. Not to mention that there is love. I feel a warmth and caring and comfort being among DCBW members that is rare in professional settings.”
~Coby Jansen Austin
Interested in joining our collective? Please complete this member interest form to tell us about yourself. We will reach out to you within one week of your form submission to connect and share more about the details and benefits of membership. .